Mastodon Valiant Lady | CruiseHabit

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Valiant Lady

Secret Messages You Didn’t Notice on Virgin Voyages' Valiant Lady

__alt__ Virgin Voyages strives to provide an alternative spin on cruising and that approach has filtered all the way down to their interior design. With modern interiors that verge on Ikea-esque in form, Virgin’s ships offer a sleeker, more minimalist take on design when compared to the opulence other line’s ships offer. Despite this, Virgin still manages to give a nod toward maritime tradition. One unique way that they have accomplished this is through their elevator lobbies on Valiant Lady where, for those sailors ready to spend a little time decoding, this ship offers 16 “hidden” messages by way of maritime signal flags... read more

April 6, 2024 - Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady

Looking to get away on an adults-only cruise of fun and relaxation, visiting places in the Caribbean you probably haven't explored yet?  We'll be on this group cruise, hosted by our friend Mike, from Touring and Cruise (formerly known as TouringPlans Travel).  Like on other group cruises we're involved with there will be extra fun and value on this cruise. read more

December 2, 2023 - Valiant Lady

This is a special one, because it's a CruiseHabit Group Cruise.  That means special events and value adds.  For example, on the recent Scarlet Lady Group Cruise, we included additional onboard credit, an all-inclusive beach day/shore excursion, a secret magic show in an off-limits area of the ship, a custom bar crawl, and more.  - Join Us! read more