The Pub has moved and on June 5 2021 will be opening in a new location! You can find the address and more details on their Facebook page.
Over the years we've developed some favorite spots in various ports, and Cozumel is no exception. As part of the Royal Caribbean Blog group cruise on Freedom of the Seas we spent today in Cozumel, Mexico and hit up a local drinking hole for the second visit in a row, deciding to add it to the growing list of spots we love in Cozumel.
Our favorite activity in Cozumel is simply roaming around the city. Set back just a couple of blocks from the main drag along the coast are plenty of great restaurants, nice people, and fantastic deals. Back in February we were roaming around looking for a place to cool off, and perhaps a clean restroom. The Pub came into view and to be quite honest, we were initially disappointed with the idea of spending time in a British Pub in Cozumel instead of taking in some local culture. Obviously it worked out because today we made sure to visit this fine establishment again today.
The Pub is a British pub run by Chris and Sharon, a couple who expatriated from the southwest of England about six years ago to pursue a different lifestyle in the island paradise that is Cozumel. Open just shy of two years, they feature a combination of simple bar food and Mexican favorites, with pleasant service and a full bar. You won't find them if you're just touring Senior Frogs and small pharmacies peddling prescription meds to Americans, but it isn't hard to get to either. Cruise ships either berth at the International Cruise Terminal (this is where Royal Caribbean and Carnival usually dock) or at the Punta Langosta pier (commonly hosting ships from Disney Cruise Line and Norwegian). The Pub can be found about a ten minute walk from Punta Langosta, or about a $10USD taxi ride from the International Cruise Terminal, and in an area with plenty of touristy shops too if that's what you're looking for. Their prices are more than fair, with all the value of a waterfront store luring you in with cheap beer matched with the charm of a place that you wish you could call your neighborhood hangout. For many, this is just that, their neighborhood bar. The Pub features a dart board, large back yard (or garden as the Brits say), and ample seating. Like many places in Cozumel, you won't find air conditioning in this establishment, but they've got large fans, great airflow, and cold beer.

We enjoy many places in Cozumel, we love Mexican culture, and Mexican food - but The Pub stands out for being so different than it's surroundings. Rather selfishly, we also enjoy speaking with Chris, Sharon, and the many expats that frequent the bar so we can ask them questions about the life transition they all made, hoping that one day we might join their ranks. Oh, and did I mention that they their great beer selection comes at prices that, to South Floridians, seem to be bargain basement prices?
If you're looking for Mayan ruins, visit the mainland or San Gervasio park, if you're looking for "I Love Mexico" shirts, or Viagra, you won't have to look far in Cozumel, but after you've had a good time enjoying the actual culture that the island city has to offer, if you want something that feels a little bit different, check out The Pub and be sure to tell Chris and Sharon that the chatty American couple from the cruise site will be back to visit them again soon.
Have a favorite spot in Cozumel? We'd love to hear about it, and maybe check it ou in just a couple months!